20/20 Network Visibility

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

Let’s face it: humans are great, but we have our limitations. There is only so much we can do.  I would even go so far as to say there is only so much that we want to do. And it’s not our fault. Every day we are bombarded with data from our smartphones, homes, watches, and connected cars. I receive nearly 500 email messages during an average day. It took me nearly two hours just to configure my new car. Do we really want to deal with more data? The short answer is: no.But the world today is inundated with data and there is no avoiding it…

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Reaching the Experiential Generation: What You Need to Know

By: Andrew Morawski

Today’s enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges to meet the needs of millennials. Known as the “experience generation,” millennials are driving the creation of an entirely new economic structure with different expectations than those of the generations before them. These different expectations span the way millennials live as well as how they work. In broad strokes, we are seeing that, when it comes to their everyday lives, millennials are placing more value on experiences than on material goods, and they are spending their money accordingly…

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Leveraging Your Team's Expertise to Create an Environment of Collaboration and Critical Thinking

By: Darin Morrow

Leading a large department in today’s fast-paced environment is challenging. Being innovative is even more so. To ensure the continued success of the Cricket brand, my burgeoning team had to build an IT structure for future competition—quickly. To do this, we created a highly scalable yet nimble, IT structure able to adapt to the ever-changing competition in the lightning-fast technological industry.  When I rejoined Cricket Wireless after another assignment within AT&T, I was looking at a team that was ten times the size it once was…

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Three Ways to Improve Customer Experience

By: Tim Young

Let’s begin the way most every discussion of the customer experience begins: with a personal anecdote. I’ve been a customer of a large US cableco (who shall remain nameless for the sake of neutrality and the fact that they, more than likely, will be reading this article) for the better part of a decade—ever since I moved into the geographical area the company serves, and through several interstate and intra-city moves. I’ve never been a particularly lucrative subscriber, I’ll admit. We joined the ranks of the cord-cutters seven years ago, and that decision has gotten easier and easier to live with over time…

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Enhancing the Customer Experience Through Network Traffic Transparency

By: Joe White

For decades, carriers have maintained the status quo of keeping their customers in the dark regarding real-time network traffic data and other metrics. It’s easy to understand why: allowing clients to see every little statistic or inefficiency in network operations, as well as customers’ exact usage compared to what they paid for, has its drawbacks. Sure, there are carriers that allow customers to see snapshots of their traffic data, and customers can request particular call and messaging metrics, but it’s a cumbersome process — and it feels like they’re not receiving all the necessary information about their own company communications, leaving their team to do the legwork…

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Securing the Autonomous Connected Car

By: Mark Cummings, Ph.D.

As the transportation industry continues its transformation, security concerns about connected cars will prove major priorities for consumers. How customers perceive their security will shape consumption decisions, spelling success and failure for transportation, communication, and information service providers as well as those companies selling hardware and software to the service providers. While many companies are staking money on the benefits of autonomous connected vehicles, security concerns will play a key role in adoption decisions and product choices…

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Top 5 CEM Questions

By: Ivanka Menken

Customer Experience Management: The Importance of Asking the Right QuestionsTruly understanding Customer Experience Management (CEM) means moving beyond the level of assumptions and generalizations. Customer Experience Management isn’t something you just do well; as with many other things, it’s a combination of nature and nurture. Done well, it infuses the activities and tasks you do naturally with the addition of learned behaviors. As much science as it is an artform, Customer Experience Management goes beyond customer satisfaction and customer acquisition…

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Will AI be the Savior of the Customer Experience?

By: Alan Coleman

In the past few months, there has been a lot of talk – and it has to be said, also a lot of hype – around how artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and data analytics will transform our lives. The idea behind this is that organizations are increasingly able to gather vast amounts of data about their customers from a multitude of online and offline sources, and that analyzing this data with the help of AI algorithms will ultimately help them understand, and even predict with accuracy, what their customers want, enabling them to anticipate and address each customer’s specific needs and to fulfill each customer’s expectations, every time…

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Letter from the Editor

By: Tim Young

“Well done is better than well said.”-Benjamin Franklin I hate the way I behave on calls to customer service centers. I’m embarrassed by just about every aspect of the process. I hate having to complain enough to be the squeaky wheel that gets some of the proverbial grease, and I cringe when I think of the times I’ve let frustration drive me to browbeat or in any way degrade a well-meaning (if occasionally poorly trained) CSR. I dislike repeating myself. I dislike having to tiptoe around a problem before I can get properly escalated…

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Telecom Industry News - March 2018

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

This month's news was dominated by the announcements, releases, and advancements of global partnerships that continue to evolve 5G, IoT, and network technologies. Highlights also include plans for the first 4G network on the moon to support of a 2019 mission and a Microsoft renewable energy deal in Karnataka, India. The top stories from the month are summarized below. To view all the news as it breaks, check out Pipeline's News Center or subscribe to receive our weekly news summary. 5G UpdateAdvancements in solutions testing born from collaboration dominated this month's 5G news…

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