Top Network Trends for 2023

By: Ashish Sharma

If you are conflicted about what to prioritize for budgeting, resource allocation, and investing in the best technology tools for the year ahead, you’re not alone. The news industry is always abuzz with predictions about the upcoming year with pundits offering insight into how technology will impact business over the next 12 months.   With the possibility of an economic downturn looming in 2023, many IT teams will try to do more with less. However, with the right research, a recession can be the perfect time to invest in new technology, as companies seek to cut costs and increase efficiency…

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Innovation, Automation and the
Path to Network Transformation

By: Patti A. Reali

Innovation is a top priority for organizations all over the globe and most are in various states of digital transformation—telecoms, cable and mobile network operators are no exception. In its Top Ten Predictions for the Future of Digital Innovation, the research firm IDC predicts that “By 2026, 75 percent of market leaders will have systemic, structured digital innovation programs and investments that support ongoing iterative innovation, enabling growth, scale, agility and resilience.” In addition, data-driven insights will be key to this innovation, with 85 percent of CEOs of the G2000 demanding that senior leaders deliver data-driven insight into innovation activity including developer efficiency and business outcomes by 2025…

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The Holy Grail of Network Service Quality

By: Andy Everest

While digital transformation quietly began to take hold around 30 years ago with the introduction of computerized procedures and automated operations, it’s really picked up steam over the last five years. Now, every enterprise is embarking on some kind of digital transformation in the quest for improved performance, monitoring and security—and, all the while, feverishly trying to maintain cost efficiency. Digital technology and the cloud have transformed the way businesses are run and connect with their employees, suppliers, partners, and customers—across sites and geographies—but these critical business applications that are so central to that transformation require huge amounts of bandwidth…

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Commercializing Quantum

By: Duncan Earl, David Wade

From the return of the “Quantum Leap” TV show to the Nobel Prize, 2022 seemed to be the year when “quantum” reached a whole new level in the popular consciousness. In November, EPB and Qubitekk joined that conversation on a more business-minded level with the launch of America’s first industry-led, commercially available quantum network designed for private companies and other technologists to run quantum equipment and applications in an established fiber optic environment with the goal of accelerating the commercialization of quantum technologies…

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2023 Mobile Network Predictions:
Pain and Progress

By: Geoffrey Hollingworth

Telecom is staring down a year poised for significant economic attrition. It will make 2023 one of the most interesting years yet for our industry. Change comes faster than usual and is unavoidable when times are hard. I predict we will see hard business decisions made around sustainability, supply chain industrialization, smart use of cloud, and improved automation and network delayering. Lest there be a whiff of negativity in my tone, let me state explicitly I think this confluence of factors is actually a positive…

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Protecting Networks with Fiber Monitoring

By: Raj Jayawardena

When you flip open your computer and hit play on a Netflix movie—or even when you read an old medium such as a newspaper in a new digital format—you can thank fiber optics. Somewhere along the way, fiber optics were involved with the making of most of our favorite pastimes, and many times we don’t pay any attention to the great science and advancement that makes these things so effortless.  Powering our constantly connected society are billions of miles of fiber buried just three to four feet below where we currently stand (or beneath the seabed, hidden from view)…

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Simplifying Network Transformation

By: Arun Balasubramanian

There’s an adage about dealing with complex things in life: “Keep it simple.” Coined by Lockheed Martin engineer Clarence Johnson, who oversaw the development of the SR-71, the world’s first “stealth” plane, the “KISS principle” has become a guiding principle for project development the world over. Whether the project is as simple as writing an article or something as complicated as designing a jet aircraft, this mantra is a great reminder of the constant need to eliminate complexity wherever and whenever possible…

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Protecting the Healthcare Sector from
Supply Chain Security Attacks

By: Dennis Mattoon

With a cyberattack occurring every 39 seconds, not only are they becoming more frequent, they are becoming more sophisticated and premeditated. Attackers have begun targeting supply chains, which is especially worrying as one attack can create a chain reaction and compromise a network of providers. With many stages and companies involved, hackers are benefiting from the lack of sufficient security by infiltrating systems with malicious codes, compromising the code shipped into hardware components and gaining access to data…

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Accelerating Digital Transformation
with Automation

By: Rohit Batra

Communication service providers (CSPs) must strengthen and streamline network inventory if they want to deliver great service and customer experiences. In today’s digital economy, your customer’s journey is key to your success. But building customer trust is a long and painstaking process, and in today’s competitive landscape, loyalty can be lost in an instant. To create the perfect ecosystem for your customers, you must automate your network so that you can fix problems as they happen while having the most accurate view of your network, your service and product offerings, and, most importantly, your customer needs…

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Next-Gen Networks Demand Increased Access

By: Steve Weaver

Gartner defines next-generation networks as “the evolution and migration of fixed and mobile network infrastructures from distinct, proprietary networks to converged networks based upon IP.” Businesses are no longer tied to traditional networking that uses hardware devices to control routers and switches, as these solutions are difficult to secure and scale. Software defined networks and hyper-convergence innovations are the latest networking approach, enabling the control and management of enterprise networks via software solutions and virtualization technology for better performance…

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Letter from the Editor

By: Scott St. John, Pipeline

Human connections have always been vital to our survival. Our connections—to our friends, family, and community—was the catalyst of civilization, ensuring we were kept fed, warm, and safe. Today the human connection is the lifeblood of society, though the way we connect has evolved as we navigated dramatic shifts in how we work, live, play and communicate as a globally connected society. Our vital human connections today, and largely our ability to flourish or wither, rely upon digital connectivity…

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Technology Industry News

By: Jara Kern, Pipeline

This month, the FCC has proposed rules that will result in better wireless call routing and faster response times during emergencies in the United States. Nokia’s 5G solutions will support four automated train lines that link 200 kilometers of Paris. Sophos’ Intercept X endpoint security detected and stopped real-world cyberattacks with 100 percent accuracy. This is just a small sample of our top headlines as we enter 2023. The top telecom industry news stories from the month are summarized below…

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