By: Etay Bogner
Enterprise security has been turned on its head as the way we work has morphed from primarily office-based to remote work environments on a more regular basis. Today’s employees need to work on
the go, whether from home or while traveling and commuting. The rise of the gig economy and a massive expansion of contractors and freelancers in the workforce have added to this remote work
environment. The traditional way that IT approached securing the enterprise was via perimeter security—hence the popularity of virtual private networks (VPNs), which were designed expressly for
this purpose…
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By: Raul Azevedo
Fraud is a pervasive problem for Communication Service Providers (CSPs). When CSPs worldwide collectively lose $29 billion due to telecom fraud, they cannot afford to ignore potential
solutions. AI and analytics hold tremendous potential: Gartner recently estimated that new implementations of Machine learning (ML) in fraud management have the potential to save CSPs millions of
dollars, reducing fraud losses by as much as 10 percent by 2022. So why are AI and analytics so critical in the fight against next-generation fraud? Fraudsters are already experts in AI and
automation There is no doubt that fraudsters are leveraging automation and technology to commit crimes faster and more effectively today than ever before…
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By: Tom Brostrom
In recent years, the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) has seen an explosion in the number of devices connected to the Internet—a trend which is set to continue long into the future
with the development of new applications driven by connected homes, smart cities and autonomous vehicles. Currently, there are over 25 billion IoT connected devices worldwide. This number is
forecast to reach 30 billion by 2020 and over 60 billion by the end of 2025, according to Statista. This massive wave of new devices and applications, however, comes at a cost…
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By: Ray Watson
Today nearly every IT decision maker wants to invest in innovation that will facilitate network performance and agility without compromising security. For many, the answer to these challenges
is SD-WAN, which helps simplify the management and operation of enterprise wide-area networks. One of the main challenges that persists in standing up SD-WAN networks, however, is that traditional
security solutions are no longer enough. Legacy security solutions simply do not have the performance, flexibility or interconnectivity that SD-WAN connections require…
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By: Mark Cummings, Ph.D., William Yeack,
Cybersecurity is a hot market. Ten thousand companies worldwide are selling cybersecurity products and services. Governments have agencies, special committees, and organizations dedicated to
cybersecurity. And, each year, cybersecurity companies spend millions of dollars each at San Francisco’s RSA Conference to capture a small piece of this market. Despite this, barely a week goes by
without another widely publicized cyber breach. Why? One thing seems clear: What we are doing isn’t working—and doing more of it will not make things better…
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By: Steve Douglas
Any operator moving at breakneck speeds toward complex 5G rollouts will be the first to tell you this is not your father’s “G.” Previous generation network rollouts followed a familiar pattern,
delivering notable incremental benefits aimed squarely at better user experiences. The rollout strategies remained relatively uniform from one generation to the next. 2G to 3G introduced us to
competent mobile browsing and functional apps. 3G to 4G brought us ubiquitous media streaming and immersive social media experiences…
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By: Bernardo Lucas
The promise of 5G is just around the corner as we see network deployments accelerating across the globe. GSMA Intelligence estimates that there will be 1.2 billion 5G connections by 2025,
accounting for 40 percent of the global population, or approximately 2.7 billion people, giving them the network connectivity, speed and capacity to support applications in smart homes, smart
factories, connected cars, or smart energy grids. Network slicing is a key enabler of 5G, giving network operators the ability to allocate portions of their networks for specific customer uses
cases and ensuring the network is optimized to specific SLAs required to support each application…
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By: Dave Ginsburg
As WANs become more complex and the enterprise perimeter dissolves, establishing an effective security posture becomes more complex. Be it the branch, the data center, remote workers or the
cloud, each new on-ramp increases the attack surface. And, with the increasing use of software as a service (SaaS) applications, expected to reach $200 billion by 2024, backhauling all traffic to a
single point is just not feasible. Unfortunately, enterprise planners are not quite ready to migrate many of their mission-critical applications to the cloud, primarily due to gaps in integration,
configuration and a general understanding of a given SaaS vendor’s security capabilities…
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By: Scott St. John - Pipeline
At 10:56 on the night of July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong took the first step onto the surface of the Moon. Before he did, he had little assurance of what what would happen next. For all he knew
at 10:55 on that historic evening, he could have been instantly vaporized or consumed by alien microbial life. The mission had risk. He had courage. In fact no great human achievement has occurred,
before or since, without both.There is a fine but distinct line between courage and recklessness. Courage is an acknowledgement and understanding of the risks, some degree of preparation to
mitigate them, and the decisive decision to proceed in spite of them…
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By: Scott St. John - Pipeline
This month, Mobile World Congress Americas provided a global stage for new partnership announcements, product launches, and platform demonstrations. Technology to accelerate 5G network
deployments and harness new data from factory floors to the IoT made headlines. New research and industry reports on productivity, password security, and profanity in customer service calls also
made splashes. The top telecom industry news stories from the month are summarized below. To view all the news as it breaks, check out Pipeline’s News Center or subscribe to receive our telecom
industry news summary…
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