How Cloud-based Communications APIs Are Driving a New Standard in Enterprise Agility

APIs are making voice broadcasting functionality a reality in sectors typically slow to adopt new communications techniques.

Adding Flexibility and Scale without the Complexity

APIs have always worked to reduce complexity; it’s why they exist. But the newer communications APIs are not only making things less complex, they are enabling new combinations of offerings and providing more flexible solutions while keeping the implementation simple and the costs down. For instance, one can choose to use only SMS, only Voice, or both SMS and Voice, and it’s available all in one place. This isn’t just solving the complexity problem, it’s solving the cost and reliability gaps that once stood in the way of this kind of communications agility.

Stereo Cloud Recording for Better Analytics

Advances in Cloud Voice API technologies are making it easier for businesses to leverage dual-channel (i.e. stereo) recording for better analytics. This turns typical call tracking programs into powerful, intelligence-driven lead capture solutions; and because these technologies are in the Cloud, they make it easy to upload and integrate with any analytics application. The dual-channel recording enables more accurate two-party conversation analysis, which allows enterprises to analyze and score calls for further optimization. Analyzing call tracking and then automatically scoring them with software helps the team immediately identify qualified leads from a macro-level. Sales and marketing no longer need to go back to every transcript to see where their opportunities lie. Cloud-based capabilities, such as these, are setting a new standard in call analytics and, in turn, setting a new standard in program optimization based on consumer sentiment and overall lead quality.

Tighter Integration with Sales

These Cloud-based communications APIs offer ready-made integration with existing CRM, web-lead or order management systems. Both voice and SMS APIs can be programmed to give sales teams leads in real-time and connect them to prospects instantly. For example, a field sales agent can get live SMS notifications when a prospective customer fills out an inquiry form. CRM systems can enable click-to-call buttons inside the dashboard so that there's no dialing required and all of the calls are recorded and associated with the individual's contact within that CRM. These are ways the APIs are helping to efficiently mobilize their workforce and maximize their investment in CRM.

Driving the Cost of Telecom Applications Down and Business Performance Up

The Cloud-based APIs are challenging the old rules by daring to say, “The latest telecom features and practices should not be difficult, expensive, or inaccessible.” They are making Voice & SMS so easy to understand and implement that virtually any business with any sized budget can add these capabilities to drive business growth. For example, dentist appointments are done online with text message reminders and confirmations. SMBs no longer need to spend significant capital on conferencing infrastructure & hardware, Instead, they can pay low monthly subscriptions for web-based conference solutions that gives them more flexibility and features that give them control over their conference. These are all innovations driven in large part by Cloud-based communications APIs. So it’s not agility at a cost; rather it’s agility at-will.

What’s next? 

With the overwhelming value becoming clearer every day, we will see increasing numbers of organizations taking advantage of the power of communications APIs – beyond just the ride-sharing services, marketing companies and airline industry.  At the same time, cloud-based communications APIs will continue to converge with carrier services for a stronger and more valuable offering. 

A new, more agile era in global communications is dawning; one where powerful global network capabilities once enjoyed only by the largest corporations are accessible to all, spurring faster business growth, worldwide innovation, and far greater consumer satisfaction than ever before.


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