A Network Too Smart to Get Hacked

“As Big Data initiatives ingest more and more data that provide enhanced business value to corporate leaders, enterprises will face significant risks and threats to the repositories in which they keep that data,” Kindervag adds. He goes on to recommend Forrester's  â€śZero Trust Model” of security that only allows the, “right user to get the right data at the right time.” This approach demands network monitor usage patterns, killing potentially damaging or sensitive data to keep it out of the hands of criminals and protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access. 

Sound hard and expensive? Maybe not. Moving toward a “Zero Trust Model” Kindervag asserts, can be accomplished by doing four things right now:
  1. Moving controls from the edges of the network closer to the data itself
  2. Leverage existing technologies you already have and make sure they're updated to protect against the latest threats
  3. Direct the legal department to establish clear policies on data storage and disposal 
  4. Diligently control access to data and update access as employees leave or change roles within the organization 
Big Data is here and CSPs are looking for new ways to make it work for them every day. But the potential security threats are real. Kindervag summed it up beautifully when he said, “Companies are just starting to experience the joys of Big Data. Like any new love affair, the participants are blind to the flaws of their beloved.”


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