Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 2
This Month's Issue:
The State of Standards
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A New Era for Standard Interfaces

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specific services, describe their data responsibilities in terms of SID entities, optimize the size or "granularity" of services according to principles of cohesion and coupling, and define their contractual obligations in terms of interaction between specific applications. TIP interfaces take NGOSS Contract requirements and guidelines into account during the development process.

Launched with ten service provider sponsors and twenty systems integrators and ISVs, TIP brings together all current and future TM Forum interface programs under a common management structure and a single roadmap. TIP emphasizes a common approach to feature definition, documentation, implementation, technology support, testing, and certification. Over time, all implementations will share common frameworks, tooling and development processes. Another critical benefit of the TIP approach is earlier and closer coordination between interface development teams and NGOSS framework teams, strengthening the feedback loop between theory and practice, and improving the responsiveness of the NGOSS framework teams to the needs of the community.

The TM Forum's Prosspero program provides a critical "reality check" on interface implementations. To achieve Prosspero branding, an interface must meet a significant set of minimum requirements: documentation, reference implementation, test kits, support, certified deployments, and service provider testimonials. As the primary pipeline feeding Prosspero, TIP will leverage NGOSS fundamentals to drive widespread use of open interfaces.

"Over time, all implementations will share common frameworks, tooling and development processes."

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