Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 6
This Month's Issue:
IMS: the Way to True Convergence?
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Letter from the Editor
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"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
-Abraham Lincoln

Convergence: It's where the world of telecommunications is headed. That much seems evident. Furthermore, it is evident that IMS could be a key architecture in paving the way for convergence. The problem? IMS is complicated.

It's also not the complete architecture some CSPs are looking for. It's also not done. It's taken years of planning to get to this point, and IMS is a lot further along than it could be, but there's work yet to be done.

Therefore, IMS is the "future"... but the "future" is a difficult thing to be when so many CSPs are mostly concerned with the "present."

In this issue of Pipeline, we explore the world of IMS, and analyze what it promises and where it fits. We'll hear from industry experts

IMS is the "future"... but the "future" is a difficult thing to be when so many CSPs are mostly concerned with the "present."

from a wide array of OSS/BSS software companies, including Oracle, Sigma Systems, TierONE, ConceptWave, and Martin Group. We'll analyze different takes on IMS, from IMS as a golden goose to IMS as an ideal, but as-yet unnecessary architecture.

In addition, we'll hear from Wedge Greene of LTC, International on the future of transformation, hear Ed Finegold's thoughts on the present and future of wireless networking, and explore all the latest OSS/BSS news. And, speaking of news, in November Pipeline will be launching our exclusive newswire service, which will enable you to distribute your press releases directly to the Pipeline audience. Look for more details about Pipeline’s newswire service in the coming weeks.


Tim Young

P.S. Pipeline welcomes your comments
and feedback.
Write to me at editor@pipelinepub.com.

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