Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 6
This Month's Issue:
IMS: the Way to True Convergence?
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Why IMS?

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for new wholesale products like sender party pays data. But it's still a damned complex way of doing it."

Cautious Optimism

And isn't that one of the main issues with IMS? It's a terribly complex approach. That is a double-edged sword, as it combines huge possibilities with truly daunting barriers to entry. It's somewhat difficult to understand, expensive to implement, and requires the sort of vision and strategy that can often fall by the wayside as we all struggle to deal with day-to-day challenges.

However, just as IMS isn't quite ready, it also probably isn't yet necessary. The current needs of most users are being met with or without IMS. However, IMS can and will enable the needs and wants of future users to be realized, and IMS will mature as these needs and wants also develop. At this point, especially given the tenuous state of the worldwide economy, allowing a huge project to develop alongside the growth of demand within the market is probably the correct approach to take.

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"It's way too complex and is trying to solve a problem of rationing out access that the users don't have."

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