Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 6
This Month's Issue: 
Avoiding Snares 
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Environments get Savvy;
Revenues go Missing

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Service providers also seek a solution that can rapidly and accurately accrue for costs by tracking all network traffic, ensuring accuracy of incoming bills and creating error-free operational expense forecasts.

Moreover, service providers should be able to accurately calculate PIU on every trunk group on the network to ensure proper filings, audit defense, and compliance checks. 

And because today’s service provider always has an eye on the future, the ability to track and manage network traffic in near real time can allow the provider to develop new product offerings and thus expand revenue opportunities, such as offering near real-time call data to customers and resellers or providing balance-control products to credit-impaired customers without requiring upfront deposits.

To be future proof, any solution must process Internet Protocol Detail Records (IPDRs) and exchange data in the industry standard XML frameworks for web services.

What’s more, the provider can avoid financial and legal headaches. With a solution that is under contract to manage more than 22 billion transactions per month, and has proven scalability beyond this, the provider can both proactively and cost-effectively prepare for audits. Transactions would be processed within three minutes of receipt and summarized and recordedUnlimited scalability adds to the value of such a solution, which reduces the spot checks and audits to routine processes that require little effort and are run continuously. Accurate reporting per today’s financial industry and technical guidelines, such as Sarbanes-Oxley specifications, can help providers avoid legal entanglements.

"Customers today are savvy and want the best."

Added value

A good solution aims to optimize overall network performance by making network traffic information readily available. That means the provider can analyze the data in many different ways, thus getting to the problem’s cause sooner and more easily. This process can identify, for example, patterns in traffic so the service provider can determine if routing and topology changes are necessary to create the most efficient network.

In essence, the solution can help providers determine how well the network is both architected and used. The platform enables providers to determine if some switches are forwarding calls to other switches efficiently. Also, the provider can discern if low priority traffic is traveling across high priority links, thus creating unnecessary congestion. Usage analytics allow the provider to architect its network in such a way that high-value traffic is going across the least congested links. That way, the provider can essential prioritize traffic by revenue opportunities.

The bottom line: Increase it

The ability to perform a true cost analysis on a network to monitor all traffic can give a provider a significant edge in a crowded and competitive marketplace.

A service provider can recover missing revenue and identify potential new revenue sources by applying a true cost analysis. For example, a




Along those lines, such a solution can also reduce fraud liability. For example, an intelligent fraud module can be customized to learn each customer’s calling patterns and spot anomalies. The module can alert fraud technicians when it detects any abnormalities. The fact that this is done in real time is paramount. If it takes ninety days to investigate fraud under another solution, that’s ninety more days of fraud and revenue leakage that the service provider incurs. CDRs or IPDRs underlying the fraud alert are automatically recorded and presented for review and that leads into improved customer service.

Customers today are savvy and want the best. If a provider can immediately access a customers call detail while that customer is on the line, that translates into increased service levels, reduced call hold times, and quicker resolution of problems and a. All of those elements that can create a sticky customer


provider might be missing from twenty20 percent to thirty30 percent of revenue opportunities. But with a solution in place, the provider can easily realize these revenues as well as find other opportunities to increase the bottom line.   Cost analysis also drives Least Cost Routing; by looking at the cost of overflow and the relative costs of exchange partners, networks may be groomed for optimum cost performance.

With such a platform, the service provider is then able to make some important – and profitable – business decisions. For instance, a carrier might change its entire method for accruing for cost or it might update its pricing model, after comparing its pricing with the actual costs involved in supplying a service.

In addition, a provider can use data generated by the solution to audit bills from other service providers, including the nature and jurisdiction of the calls. With that information, the service provider is equipped to dispute discrepancies and inaccuracies.


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