Pipeline Publishing, Volume 3, Issue 4
This Month's Issue: 
New Frontiers 
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Letter from the Editor
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New Frontiers: New Thinking.

Western thinking regarding exploration of land was once couched in seemingly endless optimism.  Throughout the era of European expansion and continuing through the age of 'manifest destiny' in the United States, geographical frontiers were approached with a hardy mixture of opportunism and patriotic zeal.  However, as dry land became increasingly charted and tamed, this age of stalwart men constantly looking to new horizons drew to a close, but not without a sense of something more, just out of reach.  Massive and frigid Alaska became known as 'The Last Frontier'.  Later, the concept of the frontier was expanded to encapsulate the oceans (The Deep Frontier) and space (The Final Frontier), as well as countless other areas, whether of the Earth or of the mind, that remain largely unexplored and untamed.

While geographical frontiers may be either out of reach or long-since claimed, there is no shortage of exploration yet to be done in the world of telecommunications.  Often, as soon as one new technology is explored, the door is opened to a multitude of other technologies.  It is as if Lewis and Clark, by making their way across the western United States, were granted access to new land that was literally being created before their eyes.  Such is the landscape of modern telecom. 

“...there is no shortage of exploration yet to be done in the world of telecommunications.”

In this issue, we explore some New Frontiers and what they mean to your businesses and your world.  We take a look at IMS and how that technology is opening doors for exciting new possibilities, as well as dangerous new pitfalls.  We take a look at the dangers and possibilities of the last mile.  We explore what peer-to-peer is doing to the already jagged landscape. 

Take a look around.  As you do, remember that while exploring new physical frontiers these days requires a pressurized suit and oxygen canisters, exploring new technological frontiers is only a mouse click away.  So go on.  See what's just around that next bend.

Bon Voyage,

Tim Young



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