Pipeline Publishing, Volume 5, Issue 2
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Is Bigger Better? NXTcomm 2008

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Louis Poulin, Atvent's CEO and Managing Director, the show was strong for Atvent. While Poulin admits that any company would always love even more traffic and visibility than it receives, Atvent was pleased with NXTcomm and hopes that it can regain the level of attendance that it enjoyed in its Supercomm days.


They're doing interesting things in promoting carrier ethernet over copper. While Eric Vallone, Actelis's VP of Marketing, insists that fiber is still preferable if you can get it, the company is promoting some solutions for getting some blazing speeds out of copper that can serve as either a stopgap while fiber rollouts continue to plod on, or as a replacement for fiber in areas in which costly fiber rollouts simply don't make sense.


After being founded a few years ago, and after a few initial sales, OmniOSS has taken a few years to develop solutions and manage growth. They were at NXTcomm as a sort of soft re-launch that's a prelude to a full market blast later in the calendar year. We'll be looking out for them.


In the beginning of this article, I was talking about alternate revenue streams attracting service providers whose role in the space is changing. The key to understanding and embracing this change, according to Allot, is traffic inspection and classification. Using its DPI background, Allot offers products that enable SPs, theoretically, to identify and prioritize traffic. In addition, they want to offer the SPs the ability to offer premium services to specialized customers. Got a customer who is an intense online gamer? Perhaps they'd pay an extra $2.99 a month for a guaranteed level of bandwidth for online play during peak hours. Allot claims they can enable just such an approach.

Sonus Networks:

In addition to its big, sleek booth on the general show floor, Sonus operated a small booth in the OSS/BSS Pavilion that, when I dropped by, was manned by former Atreus Systems personnel. Since Sonus's acquisition of Atreus was only a few months ago, I'd imagine the paperwork on the smaller booth was probably already done before the buy was announced. At any rate, we were glad to see Sonus active in the smaller space, as well as among the ranks of booth behemoths.

"As shows... continue to grow in size and scope, a historic telco show like NXTcomm must continue to grow and change with the industry."

Some returning exhibitors that we met with, such as Agilent, Polystar, Narus, Aricent, NetQuest, and Amartus, were not using the show's stage for major announcements, but their attendance at the event was of key importance in order to promote their visibility in the communications market.

Wrapping up

NXTcomm returns to Chicago next year. We're curious to take a look at final attendance numbers from this show in Vegas and contrast them with those from Chicago. I'm sure the NXTcomm staff is crunching those numbers as we speak to determine the best location for NXTcomm in 2010 and beyond. As shows like MWC in Barcelona and the Cable Show (NCTA) continue to grow in size and scope, a historic telco show like NXTcomm must continue to grow and change with the industry. We'll stay tuned.

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