Pipeline Publishing, Volume 6, Issue 1
This Month's Issue:
I Want My IPTV
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Farewell - A Tribute to Terry Barnich

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And so, we should all take some time to remember and mourn this remarkable man. However, we must all remember that there is much work to be done, at home and abroad. The world is a little poorer for no longer having Terry Barnich in it. And yet, it is all the richer for the model he left behind. Change is difficult, and in order for it to work, people must be prepared to work hard and sacrifice in order to accomplish that change. Wishing is not enough. Action is required. Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Terry Barnich was one of those thoughtful, committed citizens, and the rest of us should take this opportunity to work that much harder as a tribute to Barnich and the way in which he lived.

Terrence L. Barnich
March 6, 1953 - May 25, 2009

His approach to his work in Iraq, it seems, was very much an extension of how he lived his life.


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