Pipeline Publishing, Volume 7, Issue 8
This Month's Issue:
Enriching the Mobile Experience
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Ensuring Quality of Experience for Mobile Data Services
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Maximizing Return on Backhaul Investment

The exploding demand for mobile data has created unprecedented financial and infrastructure pressure for mobile operators and service providers worldwide. The traditional approach of oversizing the network infrastructure has proven to be financially unviable and counterproductive to growing the revenue stream from data services while remaining competitive. Carrier Ethernet in the backhaul domain has been the right choice for service providers due to its flexibility and cost efficiency—but it does not reduce the need to rightsize the devices, interfaces and links to maximize the benefits that it brings. Rightsizing while

Rightsizing while maintaining end-user QoE is a delicate balance that requires a pro-active and holistic approach.

data are indispensible in achieving the objective of rightsizing the network for the future. Being able to do all of this down to every sub-element (interface, class of service, and VLAN) is important in determining the patterns of each traffic type. An integrated network, service and application performance approach to network and service assurance provides the needed balance between cost-containment and customer experience.

maintaining end-user QoE is a delicate balance that requires a pro-active and holistic approach to assuring network and service quality.

Data traffic patterns of mobile consumers are extremely temporal, as the experience of the carrier in the earlier example illustrates. Holidays, events, and marketing initiatives can have a major influence on consumers’ messaging, browsing, downloading, and streaming patterns. An accurate comprehension of traffic patterns requires deep analytics. Industry- proven concepts such as “busy day” and “busy hour” designations are crucial in determining the worst stress levels of the backhaul network. Hourly baselines, engineering benchmarks, and traffic forecasts based on historical

Meeting the Challenges of Mobile Data Service Delivery

No matter where in the world they operate, service providers have to simultaneously meet the network bandwidth and service quality demands of both consumers and business customers while still making a profit. To meet these challenges, providers should equip themselves with the intelligence and topology awareness they need to manage their mobile end-to-end network infrastructures and application delivery environments.

Having the right service assurance solution in place is critical to providing high quality services that will differentiate offerings, retain and add new customers and increase revenue.

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About InfoVista:

InfoVista enables managed service providers, mobile operators, broadband operators and enterprise IT organizations to successfully make the transformation from infrastructure providers to service providers by helping them launch new and high-performance services, assure service performance, reduce customer churn, manage risks, invest appropriately, and control costs.

Our interoperable network, service, and application performance management products collect, process and correlate large volumes of heterogeneous data in real-time. These products transform quality of experience (QoE), and application, network and system performance data into actionable information. InfoVista customers using these solutions can manage perception of service quality, report on performance, optimize capacities and resources, and prevent and resolve problems before they impact their own customers and end users.

For more information, visit our website at www.infovista.com.

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