Pipeline Publishing, Volume 2, Issue 7
This Month's Issue: 
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Letter from the Editor
Changing with the Times
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Well, hello 2006.

Strap in, world, because the future is officially now. While Spacely Sprockets is still notably absent from the well appointed stock portfolio, and no one can give me a straight answer on why I do not yet own a jet pack, there is no denying the advances that have been made in countless industries. Firmly astride this wave of staggering development are the men and women of the OSS industry. Advancements in connectivity, analysis, billing, and many other fields give businesses the tools they need to expand, and expand wisely. Del Close, comic pioneer and the father of modern improvisational comedy once told his students, “like it or not... you’re part of an art movement.” Well, the same is true of OSS professionals in this dynamic era. Like it or not, we’re all part of a movement, and it couldn’t be more exciting.

In case you haven’t noticed, Pipeline is going through a dynamic period of our own. First of all, our magazine looks a little different. We’re making some improvements to make Pipeline even easier to navigate and building some additional back-end functionality to further enhance the value of advertising.

Secondly, I’ve taken on the role of Editor for Pipeline. After some time with the publication as a writer and associate editor, I’m well acquainted with Pipeline’s history and mission, and very excited to be aboard to help plot the course for 2006 and beyond. These changes are just the beginning, so please stay tuned, as we are working on some exciting new services that will be rolling out in the months to come.

"These changes are just the beginning, so please stay tuned, as we are working on some exciting new services that will be rolling out in the months to come."

As for this month, we have some fantastic features to share with you from some of our favorite contributors, and sincerely hope that you enjoy these pearls of wisdom. Furthermore, we hope that you’ll continue to check in with Pipeline as we continue and grow in our commitment to the OSS community.

As always, thanks for reading, and welcome to the Pipeline.

All the best,

Tim Young

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